Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Attitude is NOT everything

Aka, Poto and Passdem are 3 uneducated drycleaners. They use the crudest and most strenuous methods to run their business, and I believe more clothes are destroyed than put in a better shape by their drycleaning service. However, they have one of the best attitudes to work than I have seen in the corporate environment. They gist and exchange lively banter while they execute their tasks. Poto’s scattered dentition is revealed several times, blushing as he is ridiculed about being a ladies’ man. (Poto is a modern day Mandinga warrior). Aka is the quiet one. He is one of those individuals that always look busy. His face is set in a serious mode as he brushes hard at some shirts (and I wonder that people actually bring them their clothes). Passdem, the “know it all” and leader of the pack, keeps them in high spirits singing songs and supplying gist. And that really is the attraction to this team, their spirit. They are quick and forceful about their business, they are happy in their “not so delightful state”. They seem to be content with their situation. But, is that enough?
As I watch them, I get an understanding of why zeal without knowledge is not good. They seem not to know that there are better methods of doing things. I watch as they empty different bundles of clothing into one basin of water..and as the water absorbs the filth, I know it should be changed. However, that’s all the water allotted to that bundle. As they rinse, I know the clothes are still dirty. Aka, Poto and Passdem don’t know about applying technology to business. Try to teach Passdem, and he gives you a blank stare, as if a glass lid were placed over his understanding. Hmm! This is a constraint to his productivity, and at this point, I truly value my education. I understand why they lose customers so quickly. Attitude is not everything. Knowledge and skill provide the balance.

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